
Tides of change continue moving thru our lives, whether in our deep internal landscapes, our physical home environments AND our communities. Right now the whorls of change are tapping every known structure that we can name or identify. Perhaps it has always been this way if we were to see the Universe from galaxies away.

Our interstellar address resides deep in the heart of the Laniakea Supercluster. The times call for more active imagination than ever before, with each of us creating our unique renaissance moments.

My personal journey is creating a story arc of relocation from the high desert mountains of Santa Fe to the forested lands of the Great Lakes. An adventure in changing landscapes!

How is your story arc informing your life ? Does your creativity inform your story or visa versa ? Perhaps it is all in the weave of what rises up from our inner~scapes. Images within and without form reality in some alchemical way….I have sense that we are more involved than we realize in our manifestation outcomes…perhaps our creative voice calls in more than images on the page? From decorating our homes to shopping for recipe ingredients we call in what wasn’t there before.

As the boxes fill, full of crayons, paints and paper, I realize how blessed I am to have an active creative practice and materials. Now comes a new challenge of creating with minimal materials for a wee bit of time. One of the benefits of Cosmic SmashBooking™ and JourneyCircles™ is the contained use of space.

Even more, I am blessed with the privilege of leading online Zoom groups in Come to the Story™ blended creative practice. Where my developed skills in Creative Depth get to weave with art making, intentional creativity and collage.

As a group we have explored our lives unfolding in the creative flow of consciously reclaiming and re-storying ancient myths and patterns of conditioned patriarchal fields. Creative interplay supports the Re~claiming of hidden or simply quiet aspects of our voices, our stories , hopes and dreams. Intentionally setting out to chart new territory. The Constellations of the Zodiac have been our guide. Libra, full of hidden clues guides our way this month as we take to the page !

This October will be full of seasonal glory, leaves will change, pumpkins will be carved…I am taking the time to move, but first, on Saturday, September 24th, New Moon Magic~Libra, your are invited to join our Creativity Circle at 10:00 am MST for a bit of guided Cosmic SmashBooking™ .

For Supplies and more …click here

StarDust Blessings !
