StoryBook Art

StoryBook Art

The Art of Visual Story serves many purposes.

To heal, to reveal, to repair. To express

Creative play supports rediscovering your wholeness in reconnection and revitalization.

Making marks, pasting images, connecting the dots with paint, pen and brush, making a mess,

Experience meaning with no end “product” , just pure expression.

this the Intentionally Created Creative Depth Path

What a StoryBook can be

A place to hold mystery

A place to come home to

A place to revisit

A place to dream, A place to process, A place to reveal.

A place to process A private place A shared place A place of choice


Kendall Sarah Scott, as an Artist expressing herself in Intuitive and Intentional Arts. She holds certifications in Intentional Creativity™, Creative Depth Coaching (including Journey Circles™ Facilitator, Moon Circles™ Guide) as well as certified Cosmic Smashbook™ Guide. Through blended practices of applied Expressive Arts, Creative Story Pages is her unique integration of these artistic portals.